Early Years Training

Vicky Hutchin’s guiding principles

At the heart of Vicky’s work are the following beliefs:

  • Every child is a capable and creative learner. It is up to us adults to build on children’s interests, curiosity and enthusiasm, nurturing their growth in confidence and competence, putting their well being and enjoyment at the heart of what we do.
  • The principles and commitments of the Early Years Foundation Stage give us clear guidance helping us strive towards the best for every child.
  • Effective pedagogy begins by observing and listening to the children, finding out what interests and intrigues them, using this as the starting point for our interactions. This is why observation and assessment is so important in the early years.
  • Effective training provides an opportunity to reflect on practice, ask some key questions to evaluate it and take actions to improve it.
  • Successful training engages participants in an exciting journey of discovery as they deepen their understanding of children’s learning and development and their own role in supporting this.