Early Years Training


Since Summer 2011, I have written four new books for practitioners and students in the early years, all of them about aspects of the Revised EYFS.

The EYFS:A Practical Guide for Students and Professionals, by Vicky Hutchin published by Hodder Education
Publication date June 2012

This comprehensive 243 page guide to the revised EYFS does far more than just guide the reader through the EYFS. It is about what practitioners and students need to know not only about the revised EYFS, but to ensure the very best provision for every child’s learning and development. The numerous observations and photographs of children learning in the book demonstrate both how children learn and how they are supported by effective practice.
There are five sections: Section 1: the EYFS themes, principles and ‘commitments’. Section 2 comprises a chapter on each of the 3 Characteristics of Effective Learning; Sections 3 and 4 cover the Prime and Specific areas of learning and development. Section 5 considers assessment.
Each chapter follows the same format, making it a quick and easy to read reference book: an explanation of the topic covered, observations of children learning and developing, a ‘what the experts say’ section, where some significant research on the topic is summarised, points to guide effective practice and case studies from actual settings.
Although only published in June 2012, it sold so well it was reprinted (October 2012).

customer reviews: 5 star rated

“Fantastic clear overview of the EYFS- looks at themes and principles, how children learn, all areas of learning and development and assessment.”

“Really useful! The developmental approach has application across the age range of our all age special school.”


Assessing and Supporting Young Children’s Learning for the EYFS Profile, by Vicky Hutchin, published by Hodder Education also available to purchase online through Amazon Publication date November 2012
I have written several practical books for teachers and practitioners on assessment and this is the latest one, with a focus on both formative and summative assessment within the revised EYFS. The focus this time is on assessment in the Reception year and transition to Year 1. There are explanations of the Learning Story approach as a powerful way to document, analyse and value children’s learning, and help to reduce the ‘paperwork’ referred to in the Statutory Framework for the EYFS.
There are many examples of children learning in effective reception classes to show how to:

  • tease out the implications for teaching from assessment information,
  • include the child’s and parents’ voice in the assessment and planning processes,
  • make meaningful summative assessments from ongoing assessments,
  • complete the revised EYFS Profile and track progress right through to Year 1.


EPitEYFSbook4 Effective Practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage,
published by Open University Press, March 2013
Available from Open University Press  or Amazon

Vicky Hutchin provides an accessible and readable guide to effective practice in the revised EYFS which:

  • Explains the revised EYFS areas of learning and development
  • Considers the three ‘characteristics of effective learning’ and the implications for practitioners in their interactions with children and the provision they make for them
  • Explores in detail the role of practitioners and parents in supporting children’s learning and development
  • Examines the importance of partnership with parents in their children’s learning and development and how to develop this
  • Details the observation, assessment and planning cycle with a particular focus on the statutory summative assessment, the ‘Progress Check at Age Two’

Reviews on Amazon:

“This book is absolutely essential if you are working with children in the EY and beyond. It is written in a style that is clear, comprehensive and accessible. Easy to put in your pocket and take anywhere you want.”


“The message throughout this book is clear: our children (and their families) deserve the very best start we can offer them. Vicky uses delightful first hand observations and photos to demonstrate what this looks like.”

’Getting to Grips with the Progress Check at Age Two’, published by Optimus Education as an ‘e’ Book, 2013

This eBook will enable you to:

  • understand what is assessed in the progress check, who is involved and when it should be done
  • assess staff knowledge of child development
  • support staff to conduct observations and assessment of next steps
  • support key workers to build strong partnerships with parents and carers
  • ensure staff undertake all aspects of the progress check with confidence
  • be consistent across your setting.

Packed full of templates, examples and questionnaires, it will help you ensure you, your staff and parents get the best value possible out of the progress check and the processes involved.

Previous books written by Vicky Hutchin for early years

Supporting Every Child’s Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage, 2007

Observing and Assessing for the Foundation Stage Profile, 2004

Right from the Start: Effective Assessment and Planning, 2002

Tracking Significant Achievement in the Early Years, First Edition 1996, Second Edition, 2001


Reviews on Amazon


“Supporting Every Child’s Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage”


Absolutely invaluable, the best book I have bought so far to help with my Diploma needs. Thank you so much.”


“This book is great for planning and observations: it helps link these together and is great for all early years settings. I am a childminder and found it a very useful tool to support the new EYFS.”


“This book gives a clear explanation of the EYFS and what is expected from practitioners. It goes through the principles and what the implications are for a setting. It has lots of examples of different types of observations from many settings and how the EYFS can be managed in different settings. I liked the examples of a parents’ questionnaire and questions to elicit reflective answers from children.”


All of these are published by Hodder Education, but currently only Supporting Every Child’s Learning is in printAvailable in educational bookshops or online through Amazon or Hodder Education.
Also available:

“Working with children: Meeting Individual Needs”, Chapter 4 in Tina Bruce, Ed; “ Early Childhood: a Guide for Students”
– Sage Publications