Early Years Training

About me

Photo of Vicky Hutchin

Vicky has many years of experience as an early years practitioner, teacher, writer, Local Authority consultant and most recently as a Senior Years Foundation Stage Regional Adviser in the National Strategies early years team from 2005 – 2011. She is passionate about getting the provision right for every child by providing motivating experiences, building on the children’s interests and enthusiasms.

She joined the National Strategies just as initial ideas were being developed for bringing together Birth to Three Matters with the Foundation Stage into the statutory framework, the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). This involved supporting the consultation and training for the EYFS, 2006 – 2008 as well as contributing to the additional guidance material.

Vicky’s first advisory post, after working as a nursery teacher for some years in Inner City London in a class with more than 15 home languages, was in the innovative Bilingual Under Fives (BUF) Team for the ILEA, providing support and training on children learning English as an additional language, equality and diversity throughout London.

She has so far written four books for early years practitioners on early years pedagogy and practice and has contributed to journals and other publications. See Publications

Vicky is a Founding Associate for Early Education Website

She is also a Trustee of Persona Doll TrainingWebsite