Early Years Training



  • Implementing the revised EYFS and developing practice
  • Characteristics of effective learning and the role of practitioners and parents
  • Tuning in to twos: developing your provision for two year olds
  • Observation and assessment across the full EYFS, with a focus on Two Year Olds, 3 and 4 year olds or the reception year and the revised EYFS Profile
  • Involving parents and children in the assessment process
  • Supporting Communication and Language development in the EYFS
  • Supporting children learning English as an Additional Language
  • Reviewing and evaluating your setting’s practice
  • Developing an enquiry-based project in your setting/school
 “Vicky’s course was so informative with such a wide knowledge of early years”
“Lots of really practical ideas. Thank you!”
“Vicky’s course was passionately led. Wonderful to have a course leader with such experience”

Please contact me directly if you are interested in any of these or a related topic. They can be run as a conference presentation, a one day course, two half days or a series of twilights, or a combination of these to create deeper learning and development in the form of a developmental project. Much of my training and conference speaking is commissioned through Early Education – where I am one of their Founding Associates and Osiris Educational

Conferences 2013:

  • Keynote presentation to Nursery World Conference ‘Two Year Olds: Policy and Practice’, April 2013
  • Dorking Nursery School, Surrey ‘Assessing how and what children learn: effective support for every child’, June 2013,
  • Sefton Early Years Conference on Two Year Olds: workshop ‘Tuning in to Twos’, October 2013
  • Keynote to Somerset Early Years Conference: ‘Getting it Right for the Children: using the Characteristics of Effective Learning’, October 2013
  • Derby NEEDU at the Hub, half day conference:’ Observing and Assessing to Support Children’s Learning’ October 2013

Training and support:

  • Ongoing support to individual nursery schools, children’s centres and other settings in the London area
  • Assessment in the revised EYFS:  courses for Osiris Educational and Early Education
  • Supporting children learning English as an Additional Language: courses for Osiris Educational
  • Developing the quality of interaction: courses for Early Education
  • Outdoor Learning

Upcoming conferences,training and support 2014:

  • Courses booked directly with me by a variety of institutions and  organizations
  • Assessment in the revised EYFS, for Osiris Educational
  • Courses for Early Education
  • Optimus Education: Effective Assessment to Support Progress in Reception, March 24th 2014, keynote and workshop 
  • Bluecoat School, Devon: key note and workshop on aspects of assessment in the revised EYFS